2450 Rideau Street, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3N4

Nutritional Support
In British Columbia chiropractors offer nutritional advice and can provide nutritional products in support of normal health. While we do not do nutritional therapies, dietary choices and some nutritional supplementation can play a huge preventive role for all of us. Of primary concern in the chiropractic setting is nutritional support for bone health and anti-inflammation strategies. Higher levels of inflammation alone are implicated in so many muscle joint, intestinal, and even vascular conditions such as arteriosclerosis. A little attention to these things is good and some nutritional support really helps!
Dr. Abraham has taken time in post graduate studies with Dr. James Meschino D.C. M.S. R.O.H.P. who in recent times has become his primary nutrition teacher. Please access Dr. Meschino’s website and consider doing the free Nutritional Survey. This site is packed with information you need and often becomes a conversation starter at the office. Dr. Abraham is networked with a number of naturopathic physicians and is pleased to help you get connected as needed.