2450 Rideau Street, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3N4
Serving Abbotsford Since 1980
What is Chiropractic and How Will it Help?
Chiropractic has a long history of study and appreciation of human homeostasis, the inborn ability of the body to heal and recover, as it relates to the function of our nerve, muscle and joint systems –especially the spine. Chiropractic training (7 year minimum) is rigorous with a unique emphasis on joint manipulation because of its proven effectiveness. Within the scope of practice, chiropractors are equipped to diagnose and as needed, refer patients to the broader health care team including medical care. Treatment is non–invasive and includes: manual treatments; physical therapy modalities; exercise programs; nutritional support; orthotics; lifestyle modification and other patient education.
Dr. Abraham & the Home–Based Office
Dr. Alden Abraham has practiced in Abbotsford B.C. since 1980 following studies at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto Ontario where he graduated with excellent academic placements. Originally from Alberta, Dr. Abraham attended high school locally at Mission Senior Secondary School, and completed pre-chiropractic science studies at Douglas College. Dr. Abraham has been married to his wife Terry since 1976 and enjoys life with 3 adult children and grandchildren. Terry works with him and other staff at his office. Outside the office he enjoys mountain hiking, wilderness trips, gardening and snorkeling, and serves through church based outreaches.
In 2002 Dr. Abraham custom built a well-appointed home based office in Central Abbotsford - a departure from prior traditional commercial ground floor offices. While the move was initially experimental, he has never looked back. Patients enjoy welcoming professional ground floor access with adequate parking and convenient freeway, bus, and road access. You will appreciate the unique tropical and semi-tropical landscaping accents and seasonal seating outdoors which create a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere.
Dr. Abraham’s solo chiropractic practice is well connected in terms of professional relationships and referral networks such as rehabilitative Kinesiology care. To meet your needs he is pleased to facilitate multidisciplinary care with the broader health care team. Dr. Abraham also receives regular patient referrals for care of motor vehicle crash injuries where chronic pain complicates recovery as well as medical referrals. With many years in general chiropractic practice Dr. Abraham is experienced in the care of multi-generational families, infants, seniors, pregnancy, and elite athlete alike. In the current health care environment it is a pleasure to get the excellent timely personal care you need.
The team at Central Chiropractic & Wellness is committed to your relief and enjoyment of a fuller life! If you have been suffering or want to function at a higher level preventively don’t wait a second to begin your road to recovery and wellness. Dr. Abraham is not only skilled to help with your symptoms but is seeking to care for the causes of your pain. Your treatment plan will be designed to meet your individual needs and treatment goals. Call us to schedule an appointment at 604-853-3378.